Bookkeeping for over 20 years

When small businesses start out, the founder/owner wears many different hats and one of those hats is often bookkeeper. They get to a point where they are just juggling too many things and this slows growth. By partnering with The Sorted Office Ltd we have seen businesses really flourish and take things to the next level and see people hiring their first team members, moving from home offices to a professional office and seeing real growth by freeing the owner up to focus on growth.

Sylvia Kavanagh

Sylvia reigns as the savior for business owners drowning in a sea of numbers and paperwork. A seasoned bookkeeper with a heart of gold, Sylvia specialises in rescuing entrepreneurs from the complexities of GST, tax obligations, and the daunting realm of bookkeeping. Sylvia's journey into the world of numbers was not always smooth sailing. Despite struggling with numbers in high school, her determination and knack for administration roles across diverse industries—from Trades to real estate—fueled her passion for bringing order to chaos. It was this passion that led her to establish The Sorted Office five years ago.” I understand the challenges business owners face because my husband is a tradie," Sylvia shared with a knowing smile. "I've seen firsthand how hard they work and how overwhelming the administrative side can be.” At The Sorted Office, Sylvia is more than a bookkeeper; she is a trusted ally. Known for her down-to-earth demeanor, honesty, and infectious sense of humor, Sylvia goes beyond the numbers to build meaningful connections with her clients. She is not just interested in balancing books; she immerses herself in their businesses, often visiting their workplaces to grasp the nuances of their operations firsthand. "I believe in tailoring my services to fit each client's unique needs," Sylvia explained. "No two businesses are alike, and neither should their bookkeeping solutions be. "With over 30 years of experience and a proud membership in the ICNZB, Sylvia leverages her expertise to simplify the financial journey for her clients. Partnering with industry leaders like Xero and MYOB, she ensures her clients have access to innovative solutions that streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Excitingly, Sylvia is poised to expand her impact by venturing into the realm of training. "I want to empower business owners to reclaim their time and sanity," she shared eagerly. "You don't have to navigate this alone. Let me help you take those overwhelming tasks off your plate." As Sylvia sets her sights on new horizons, her commitment to client satisfaction and unwavering support shines brightly. The Sorted Office is not just a business; it is a lifeline for entrepreneurs seeking clarity in their financial landscapes. In an era where expertise meets empathy, Sylvia stands ready to guide business owners toward smoother seas, one reconciliation at a time.

Thanks to Isabella Jansen for writing this Isabella Jansen - Trusted Advisor

Book a meeting with us

We love catching up with business owners at their favourite coffee shop to see how we can help them reach their business goals with better bookkeeping.